Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

As writers, we have power.  We have the power to thrill, the power to scare, the power to make people think and feel.  We can create worlds and draw our readers into these worlds.  We can create characters that our readers will either care about or hope will be destroyed.  As our characters learn life's lessons through their trials and pain, our readers can learn, as well. 

As writers, we have power.  We have the power to create a universe where none exists.  We can create cities, buildings and neighborhoods; oceans, lakes, and fish ponds.   We can make people fall in love, cry, die, conquer their fears, and succumb to temptation.

As writers, we have power.  We have the power to change opinions and open our readers' minds to new possibilities.  We can inspire and encourage.  Inform and teach.  Reflect and ponder. 

As writers, we are blessed and cursed.  To me, being a writer is the greatest gift/curse all rolled up into one exhilarating package.  I love to write.  I think about it constantly, always listening, reading and watching for inspiration.  Insight.  A theme.  An idea.  A motive.  I'm also consumed about it.  And when I'm not writing, I'm looking forward to the moment when I can. 

It's a bittersweet friendship.  A love-hate relationship. A can't-live-without, gotta-do-it-before-I-go-crazy obsession.

Writer.  I can think of nothing better.

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