Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When I prepare to write, I always follow a certain routine.  Kinda' like a baseball pitcher who digs his cleats into the dirt, rubs his nose three times, scratches his left shoulder and blinks twice.  Or like a cat who walks around his bed twice, claws the fabric a few times, and finally tucks his tail under his tush. 

Here's my routine:  I pour a cup of tea (steamy or iced, depending upon the weather), check my work e-mail, respond to my work e-mail, check my social e-mail, respond, check my social networking sites to see if anyone died or is getting married, write a short blog, find some chocolate in the pantry, adjust my chair, launch Pandora and select Romantic Piano, aka Chopin and Rachmaninov, adjust my headphones three or four times, tell my kids to hold all calls and homework questions, and then, finally, I write.

Today, however, I decided to add an additional step since it's Sunday and the newspaper on the kitchen countertop refused to let me pass.  I read a "Dear Abby" question about a person who bought a house, began to rennovate it, and found collector coins hidden in the walls.  The writer's question was whether or not he had a moral obligation to return the coins to the previous owner or take the cash and run.  I was not interested in the advice.  Instead, a lightbulb went off in my head and I realized I had hit upon a new chapter for my NaNoWriMo book.  Not about coins but about something hidden in a wall that will shed light on a certain situation my protagonist is trying to solve. 

So, the moral of the story is that you can find inspiration for your book anywhere as long as you are open to possibilities.  And...if you procrastinate a little.  (-:

Hey - we're busting the chart at 430,000 words today!  Keep writing, Wrimos!  Ten days left.  We're in the home stretch!

Mrs. P.

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