Friday, November 11, 2011

NaNoWriMo - Day 11

Who is online today? Go to our classroom forum on the ywp.nanowrimo website and reply to this question or post a new message in the forum. Let's support each other today.

What are you doing to keep yourself motivated?
What is your word count?
Are you encountering any problems with plot?
Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

Mrs. Procopio

Later that day....

Okay, so I'm at 16,668 words today, which is about 5,000 more words than I had when I woke up.  (I updated my daily word count without checking my previous balance.)  I plan to write another 1,000 by the end of the day.

I spent some time reorganizing my planning spreadsheet and labeling my Word Docs into chapter numbers.  The book is coming together like wide, swirling ribbons of colorful paint.  Eventually, the colors will be mixed evenly and smoothly, but right now, it's still preliminary.  But hopeful.

And that's why I keep writing.  I'm curious.  I'm excited.  But mostly, I'm hopeful that the book at the end of this NaNo tunnel will be what I envision.  Interesting.  Insightful.  And fabulous.

Check ya' later...

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