Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week 5, Day 29

It's Sunday afternoon and I don't need to remind you that tomorrow is the end of NaNoWriMo!

I hope all of you are continuing to write to the finish line.  It's a cold, overcast, rainy day (as far as cold, overcast, rainy days go for Arizona), so it's a perfect day to snuggle up to your laptop and let your imagination take you for a ride.

Have you followed your storyline?  What's the exposition?  Catalyst?  Rising Action?  Climax?  Denouement?

Who is the protagonist?  What were the antagonist(s)?  Did your protagonist defeat the antagonist(s)?

Have you run out of things to say?  Make sure you answer who, what, when, where, why and how.  Work on setting and detail.  Will your reader be able to imagine where your story takes place - in a castle, on the side of a mountain, in the depths of the sea?  How's your diaglogue?  Did your characters say everything they need to say?  Did you create conflict?  Did you resolve the conflict?Remember that you can keep writing after NaNoWriMo has concluded.  The 50,000 word requirement can be surpassed.  I've read that some people have written over 100,000 words and still counting.

The next step after NaNoWriMo is to edit your creation.  I suggest that those of you who intend to print your book should meet after school as a group to proofread and help each other with this process.  If you are interested, please let me know. 

Keep writing...

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