Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 2, Day 13

What is antagonizing your protagonist (main character)?  Or maybe it's "who"?  Is the antagonist a person?  A group of people?  An attitude?  Something inanimate - perhaps a storm?  Is the protagonist his own antagonist?  Writers use antagonist(s) to create conflict in their stories.  A good story needs conflict.  Without conflict, there's nothing to resolve.  Without anything to resolve, a story is dull.  When you pick up a book at the library, you want to read about how the main character overcomes something.  Whether it's Harry Potter or Bella Swan, we want our hero/heroine to win.  But in order to win, he/she has to defeat something - the antagonist.

So what's anatagonzing your character? 

In my book, my main character Pamela is antagonized by the following:

1.  The community in which she now lives.  She is homesick for her home in Massachusetts and wishes they had never moved away from it.
2.  The tweens in the neighborhood don't like or accept her.
3.  Her father (Coach) is preoccupied with his career.  His attitudes toward Pamela antagonize her because he doesn't have any patience for her homesickness. 
4.  Her mother (Maggie) is preoccupied with her political career and uses the house for her headquarters.  Maggie invites her new adult friends over to the house to talk about issues.  These adults bring their children, who do not like Pamela.
5.  Big brother Jake is preoccupied with his football career.  His lack of interest in Pamela antagonizes her.
6.  Older sister Maralee is preoccupied with her social life.  She ignores Pamela's attempts to express her true feelings of sadness.
7.  The group Pamela hangs with shoplifts at the Mall.  Pamela is conflicted about their activities because she knows it's wrong, but she must join in their illegal activities if she wants to remain part of the group.

So, I have created seven antagonists.  Each antagonist must be overcome by the protagonist directly or indirectly.  I have just given myself enough topics to write more than 50,000 words!

So, what's antagonizing your protagonist? 

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