Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

Well, it's done. I designed the cover and uploaded the content. If there's an error or typo or fragmented sentence or poor word usage or misspelled word or improper use of grammar - I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least not tonight. (-:

It's been quite an experience writing a book. I learned a lot about the formatting process. I also realized through all the edits that you can never be truly finished perfecting the whole thing, and sometimes it's best to say "no more!"

So, it's time to celebrate. I think I'll go wash the dinner dishes (it's 10:13 p.m.) - but hey, a writer's gotta keep her priorities straight, right?

The book is NOT FOR YOUNG READERS! It is a book about relationship abuse and was written with the high school student in mind. The content is considered edgy YA (young adult) and contains actions (alcohol/drug abuse, sexual content) some parents may prefer their children not read until they are older.

So, if you are one of my students, please do not read this book until you are in high school. I cannot be held responsible. My new book, "A Place for Pamela", is middle-grade school appropriate. I will keep you posted as to its publication date.

The cost is $14.99. I hate that price but it's the rate I have to charge to avoid paying royalty fees to the publisher. Sorry.

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