Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010

Ok, the insanity passed. What was I thinking?

Rewriting the book in first person would be like pulling out the old foundation from underneath a house while the first and second floors teeter precariously on top. I just can't rewrite this book in first person. I tried. It's not in my DNA. I prefer the power of third-person omniscient - having infinite awareness, understanding and insight. As the narrator, I like to know everything everyone is doing. I can dictate their movements like a chess master. First person is one-dimensional, in my opinion. I need my readers to know what the main character doesn't know so they can say "watch out you crazy protagonist!" and then cringe when she doesn't.

So, I'll save first person for some other writing endeavor. Butterfly remains firmly in 3rd person omniscient.

So there.

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