Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Novel Writing Club

I'm speechless tonight as I reflect on the number of writers in our school.  Our Novel Writing Club met in my classroom for its weekly meeting and every seat, including my teacher's desk and the carpet, was taken.  Imagine if the entire group had been in attendance?  We would have spilled into the hallway!

Don't misunderstand - I am definitely not complaining.  It's amazing for me to contemplate how many of our students love to write.  I guess we've all been bitten by the same bug!

I am proud of each of you that you desire to express the stories that bubble just beneath your surfaces.  I can see it in your eyes, feel the excitement in the tones of your voices.  You are excited about the act of writing, and are willing to participate in NaNoWriMo, not because it's an assignment, but because you want to do it.  Love to do it.  Crave to do it.  Can't wait to start to do it.  You've embraced the endeavor of creating something new where there was nothing before.  I share that excitement with you and totally understand the joy you are anticipating as the NaNoWriMo kick-off approaches.

You are adventurers.  You are fearless.  You believe in your abilities and are willing to take enormous risks by putting your inner-most thoughts onto paper for the world to see, accept or reject.  But as writers, it's all about the journey, isn't it?  It's the moments we spend creating worlds within the thoughts of our minds.  Worlds that are currently voids of nothingness but, come November 1st, will take shape, with ridges and contours, fluidity and substance, as we deem appropriate.  As we choose.  With all due respect, we will play "Creator" for a moment in time.  We will control the destinies of our characters.  We will shape dreams and either coax them to fruition or decimate them at the feet of our trembling protagonists.  We will possess the power to bless or destroy.  The humble writers in us will experience, during this month, sincere moments of creative enlightenment. 

Six days (if you live in Australia)...seven if you live in the Grand Canyon state.

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