Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello to my writing club members!

We will resume our meetings next Tuesday, October 18th, in my classroom from 3:45p - 5:00p.  Yes, it's October Break, but a writer never stops writing (or thinking about writing), write?  I mean, right?  (-:

To create my NaNoWriMo book this year, I'm going to practice what I teach.  I will be following the IB Design Cycle (International Baccalaureate) which employs the following categories:  Investigate, Plan, Design, Create and Evaluate.  In future posts, I'll explain what these mean in more detail, but suffice to say we should all know the definition of PLAN. 

(But just in case, here are some definitions straight from Merriam-Webster Online...)

1.  to arrange the parts of...
2.  to devise or project the realization or achievement of...
3.  to have in mind...

That's the one I mean.  To have in mind.  What do you have in mind for your book?  Not sure?  Aha!  That, my friend, is why we plan.'s your assignment for next week. 

Purchase a journal, notebook or boot up your computer and create an electronic folder called NaNoWriMo 2011.  Begin with a new page called "Planning" and write/answer the questions below.

Here are thoughts to ponder regarding writing your NaNoWriMo book. 

1.  How many words do you intend to achieve this year?  "Winners" are those who write 50,000 words within the month of November.  Each year, my club has produced at least 10 of these types of winners, but please consider your age and grade level.  Yes, yes, I know you are gifted and accelerated, but you must consider schoolwork, other club commitments (how dare you!!!), your weekday bedtime (I even have one of those), and your family responsibilities.  In other words, please don't over commit, yet set a challenge that will motivate you.  Perhaps you could increase your word count from last year by 5,000?

2.  What is the genre you intend to write?  Romance?  Comedy?  Drama?  Adventure?  Science Fiction?  Not sure?  Write down the type of book(s) you've read that is/are SIMILAR to the one you will probably write.

3.  What is the book's working title? 

4.  Who/what is your main character (protagonist) and what does he/she/it want?

5.  In what situation will you place this character?  What must he/she do to get out of it?

6.  Who/what are the protagonists of the story?

7.  What conflicts/obstacles must your protagonist face/overcome?

If you have NO IDEA what to write, go for a walk.  Go to the mall.  Go to the movies.  Go to the bookstore/library.  Go to the park.  Bring your dog to the groomers.  In other words, live your normal life but be acutely aware of the happenings around you, the emotions and nuances of those who are near you, their concerns and goals.  Jot these observations in your notebook (yes, you did remember to bring it, didn't you?) and brainstorm ideas.  Ask yourself "What if..."  What if the toddler wandered off through the clothing store and out into the food court...alone?  What if the pizza maker finally conjures enough courage to ask out the girl who works at the Dairy Queen?  What if the elevator stops between the third and fourth floor - with two rival gang members trapped inside?  What if the prized show dog runs across the street and is struck by a car?

Look for situations.  Look for ideas.  They are all around you.  You just have to observe the world through the eyes of a writer.

21 days - whoohoo!!!!!!  NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program

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