Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hey, Students!

Sixteen days to NaNoWriMo and counting!

Are you writing your synopsis?  Remember the formula:

1.  Who is your character?
2.  What does he/she/it want (goal)?
3.  What are the obstacles (antagonists) that are stopping he/she/it from reaching the desired goal?
4.  Does he/she/it ever reach that goal?

Here's my NaNoWriMo work-in-progress...

Working Title: Summer Rain

Fifteen-year old Kate McDermond lives the good life in New York City - prestigious private school, posh apartment in an upscale neighborhood, and designer clothing. Her mother, a prosecuting attorney, enjoys a successful, high-powered career. At the conclusion of Kate's junior year in high school, she makes plans to attend a gymnastics camp in Connecticut. However, an unexpected telephone call changes the course of Kate's summer. Her aging grandfather, whom she has met only once, needs care and assistance. Kate's mother is too busy with her caseload to leave New York, so Kate reluctantly agrees to fly to Minnesota where Grandfather lives in a lakeside home, to check up on him.

Kate arrives at Grandfather's house only to be chastised angrily and then ignored. Kate is deeply hurt and confused, but she resists leaving Grandfather and decides to stay for the summer, determined to uncover the root of his anger. Through her gentle perseverance, Kate begins to break down the walls that encase his spirit. She discovers a family secret that sheds light on her very existence, and learns of the event that drove her grandfather and mother apart.

During her summer at the lake, Kate meets a young man, Andrew, who teaches her that life's simple moments are the sweetest and should be savored.  Inspired, Kate plots a reconciliation between her grandfather and mother.  At summer's end, Kate refuses to board the plane back to New York, forcing her mother to fly to Minnesota and demand an explanation. Kate refuses to return to New York until her mother and the grandfather forgive and reconcile with each other and sparks an emotional path of confrontation and healing. 

Tuesday, October 19th., Rm. 7 at 3:45p.

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