Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Day Before

Today is the "Day Before" NaNoWriMo and I'm anxiously awaiting for it to become "The Day"!  I'm itching to begin writing and I feel like a race horse chomping at the bit, ready to break out of the gate. 

In the meantime, I'm working on my storyline.  In my CB05 Animation Studio class, our International Baccalaureate (IB) unit question is "How does planning affect quality?".  So, here I am, answering my own question that I've posed to you.  How will planning my novel affect its quality?  I understand that the purpose of NaNoWriMo is to write "no holds barred" - that is, to write without worrying about the direction of the novel - and to simply see where the creative process will take you when you write without rules.  However, personally, I believe it's important to create a general guideline and direction so I know where the story is headed.

One of my students just sent me her storyline and it looks WONDERFUL!  She's determined the elements of her story, from exposition to denouement, and now she has a general direction of which way to go.  She's off to a great start!

I'll log back in again later tonight to explain my storyline and characterizations.  In the meantime, back to reality.  I need to run to the grocery store! 

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