Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

Tonight, while you're watching fireworks and eating ice cream (not me - I'm lactose intolerant), ask yourself "What independence am I celebrating today?"  Beyond the obvious historical reference, I'm referring to personal independence.  Have you overcome a personal obstacle lately?  Or is there something you wish you could overcome?  

Forget New Year's Resolutions.  Resolutions are flippant and short-lived.  Like the treadmill out on the curb or the tennis shoes somewhere in the depths of the closet.  Celebrating your independence is MUCH more important.  Think about the root word - dependence.  It implies relying upon someone or something else.  Or succumbing to an adverse situation.  Like a job you dislike.  Or a relationship you'd like to end.   It also can mean depend.  Can people depend upon you?  Are you reliable?  Can you depend upon others?

So, while you're watching the skies tonight, reflect, think and ponder.  Make today either one of personal celebration or personal resolution to declare your independence.  And then, next July 4, 2011, you'll have another reason to celebrate.

Somebody give me a popsicle.


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